Other Writing

SPECIAL READER EXCERPT:  LESSON 14 in From Start to Finish Here's Lesson 14

Here's Lesson 14 from Chapter 7 in From Start to Finish. As shared in a previous post, there are sixty-five of these integrated throughout the book. In this lesson, I discuss situations where are preparing to interview for a job we are interested in. But even though we weren't aware it was happening at the time, our interview for the desired position actually began several weeks or even months earlier. We just weren't aware it was happening at the time.

I share a story of my daughter's first...

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SPECIAL READER EXCERPT:  LESSON 7 in From Start to Finish All of us can

All of us can reflect back on our many years as students with varying emotions. Some teachers we enjoyed when going through their classes, while others, well, not so much.

A few teachers even came off as rockstars from the very first day they walked into the classroom. And that continued through the entire class experience. Others, though, were more like a fine wine that required a bit of aging--for the student, not the teacher.

I've found that for many of the best teachers we won't fully...

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SPECIAL READER EXCERPT:  LESSON 3 in From Start to Finish Funny things,

Funny things, memories. As individuals, we're constantly taking in all sorts of new information as we work our way forward on life's highway. Some things make enough of an impression on us that we intentionally put them into our "long-term memory" bank. Most things, though, seem to simply fade into the rearview mirror as we travel forward. The farther we travel, the more of those things simply disappear into oblivion, right? We simply forget. Or do we?

Here's Lesson #3 from Chapter 1 in From...

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