A thoroughly enjoyable read! It may not have been the author’s intention, but the golden thread that runs through Joe’s memoir is gratitude. Living a life of gratitude may be the best lesson his grandchildren will learn from this book!
When I read a descriptive narrative, I want the words and pictures to take me back to that time and place in my life. Joe Alexander does that in From Start to Finish. Down to the wants, feelings, and even the hairstyles. They all took me back. I really appreciate the sixty-five life lessons he includes. Why? Because he connects with the reader. It isn’t some BS, or theory, or contrived logic twisted into a moral tale. It’s believable because it has the “dirt” of personal experience we all need to hear. Great read!
This book offers an inspiring narrative of a life well-lived, characterized by service and substance rather than seeking superficial social recognition. It is a well-written account replete with intriguing and authentic anecdotes and valuable lessons learned. As you delve into Joe Alexander’s life, consider your own experiences, lessons, and appreciation. This book serves as a guide for the conscious design of the remainder of your life.